Monday, February 9, 2009


I was told I needed to post more so I am going to try but I am not making any promises. Today is snowed and snowed and snowed!!!!! It was crazy! We are all hoping for a snow day tomorrow which would not be too beneficial to me cause I only have one class. :( I have decided that there is nothing more beautiful than untouched snow! It is so beautiful, it reminds me why I decided to move up here. My roommates and I went sledding today, it was cold and hot and wonderful all at the same time. I don't think I have ever been so hot and so cold at the same time. We all got home and were covered in snow and all ready to go to bed. But we are still up watching movies eating popcorn, like we do every night!!!!

SOOO MUCH SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could not believe how much show was on me beanie by the time I got home! It was completely covered in snow and ice!